Ashlyn Harris Opens Up About Her Marriage to Ali Krieger

Ashlyn Harris reflects on her marriage to Ali Krieger

Harris revealed feeling emotionally and physically disconnected, explaining that soccer, work, and kids took precedence

Harris describes how she learned to “serve others before herself” as a way to cope

Harris Tried to Salvage Their Marriage with an Open Relationship

Feeling ashamed, Harris struggled to express her frustration

Harris claims that intimacy was absent throughout their entire marriage

After Harris made her statements, Us Weekly reached out to Ali Krieger's team for comment

Harris and Krieger met in 2010, engaged in 2019, and married the same year.

Despite their struggles, Harris and Krieger adopted daughter Sloane in 2021

Harris is now dating actress Sophia Bush, who confirmed their relationship earlier this year

Ali Krieger Is Ready to Date Again After Split from Harris