Medieval Tales that Shocked the World

The Decameron was once banned and how it challenged societal norms.

Dive into Boccaccio's inspiration behind writing during the aftermath of the Black Death.

The Decameron influenced Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and other literary works.

"Sexual Revolution: The Bold Women of The Decameron"

The Decameron challenged religious norms and faced censorship.

"From Page to Screen: The Cinematic Adaptations of The Decameron"

"Contemporary Relevance: The Decameron in the Time of Pandemics"

"Censored Yet Celebrated: The Legacy of The Decameron"

Reflect on the enduring legacy of Boccaccio's masterpiece despite early censorship attempts.

Explore the portrayal of female sexuality in Boccaccio's stories

Whether on Netflix or in print, immerse yourself in the timeless stories of The Decameron