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Discover what happens when Eddie Brock and his symbiote partner hit the road again!
Join Eddie and Venom in a sequel that embraces the weird but struggles with its plot.
How did we get from ‘you’ll believe a man can fly’ to ‘you’ll believe a horse can Venom’?
Hardy's duel roles as Eddie and Venom steal the spotlight, but can he keep it interesting
Is the formula dragging down this otherwise fun franchise?
Eddie Brock’s battle with his own symbiote offers the film's only reliable drama.
Does the Las Vegas detour deliver gonzo thrills, or is it just a distraction
Food-loving and goofy, Venom remains the most likable character.
Improved visuals can’t mask a lack of novelty in action sequences.
The repetitive rhythm of The Last Dance leaves viewers craving something fresh.
Can the writer-turned-director bring new depth to the Eddie-Venom dynamic