Bird Flue Outbreak: A Dangerous Flue Can Affect Humans Too, 5 people tested positive at Colorado.


Bird Flue Outbreak: A Dangerous Flue Can Affect Humans Too, 5 people tested positive in Colorado.

Bird Flue Outbreak in Colorado, a dangerous flue can have a high chances of affecting human life. Bird Flue Outbreak is spreading in farms of Colorado very quickly. It is reported that this flow can spread faster than the other previous bird blue, the farm holder has a high risk of having and spreading Bird flu to other people.

According to the reports it has been found that 5 people who run a bird farm tested positive.
According to healthcare, people should avoid eating birds till the bird flu ends. Bird Flue Outbreak in Colorado is rapidly increasing, it will soon started spreading and will later result in deaths. To stay away from the flu you have to avoid having birds.

Healthcare experts have demanded that the government implement a partial quarantine. Health care wants the government to lower the exposure of people so that no one gets affected by the Bird Flue Outbreak. It is found that this flu can adversely affect the health of humans and can moreover result in fatal.

Bird Flue Outbreak
Source: google

Rise of Bird Flue Outbreak at Colorado

The condition of the Bird Flue Outbreak in Colorado came into consideration when a farm was found where farmers were killing the birds. By acknowledging the reporters came to know that there are 1.5 million chickens affected by the flu. As by staying together or close flue spreads.

The Famer was trying to kill all the infected chickens so that the flue could not spread outside the farm. The process of killing all the infected birds to protect the country from the flu is known as culling. They were unable to kill all the chickens, as the infected chickens were transported to other places. Due to this many farms having chickens got infected. There is a high chance of disease spreading among humans.

How Bird Flue Outbreak in Colorado is Affecting Humans?

As per the human experts words we came to know that this bird has a high chance of affecting human health. But the confirmation of the flu affecting humans we got from the farmers working there. The farmers who used to work on the forms for whatever purpose have been found positive. 5 workers have been reported positive, they used to work in the affected farms.

The farmers in the affected farms used to clean the mess created by the chicken or used to take out the eggs and store them. So it is confirmed that people are getting affected by the flu just by staying around them. Earlier we used to overcome the situation by not consuming them. But this time the condition is going to be not easy as just by staying close to them people are getting affected.

Bird Flue Outbreak
Source: google

Experts Views on Bird Flue Outbreak at Colorado

Healthcare experts have warned the country to stay away from farms and unknown people. Health care experts shared that this flu is highly spreadable and can spread in humans too. Healthcare experts have demanded that the government announce partial quarantine as it is no less than a pandemic.

Healthcare experts have asked people to avoid chicken and birds till the Bird Flue Outbreak in Colorado ends. Health care experts have stated that people should stay away from one another, and have to start avoiding gatherings. To be safe you have to avoid birds and have to lessen the gathering.

Symptoms on humans due to Bird Flue Outbreak

In this section, we will talk about the symptoms which are the most common. You can examine yourself by acknowledging the symptoms. The most common symptom is the cold, this is the most common. Always people generally neglect this as they think that this is common cold. The other major symptom that we came to know from the experts aisthe pink eye.

People who are tested positive are found with pink eye. After having these many symptoms they were not hospitalized but experts are saying that this will turn worse. People may lose their lives if it starts spreading among humans.

Bird Flue Outbreak
Source: Google

Experts Words on Bird Flue Outbreak

I am extremely concerned that we are on the brink of this being really already in humans—and once it’s in humans, it is going to be a real problem to control”.

These words are said by Seema Lakdawala who is a well-known microbiologist. She shared her concern as we have witnessed a pandemic before which was very difficult to stop. We all know that once it starts spreading it is very difficult to control.


Bird Flue Outbreak is spreading uncontrollably in Colorado. Experts have shown their concern about the Bird Flue Outbreak as it can affect humans too. 5 farmers have tested positive, and have been seen struggling with cold and pink eye. Healthcare experts have advised humans to avoid chickens for some time.

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