Donald Trump Shooting: A Shocking Incident on 13 July, Know Each Aspect of the Incident. 


Donald Trump Shooting: A Shocking Incident on 13 July, Know Each Aspect of the Incident.

A shocking incident happened while Donald Trump was at a rally for the election. Donald Trump’s Shooting incident went viral, and every media and interview has topic to discuss about. Donald Trump Shooting happened on 13 July 2023. This incident opens up all the causes that can relate to this, people figured out mainly 7 causes that can be the reason for Donald Trump’s Shooting.

This incident can not be figured out properly, some say that it is scripted, and people are not ready to believe this incident. Some people who were present at the rally proclaimed that this incident was not true this was made to gain sympathy and to get the attention of the audience. In this article, we will talk about every detail regarding the Donald Trump Shooting, stay connected if want to get essential information about the same.

Donald Trump Shooting
Source: Google

When Does the Donald Trump Shooting Happen?

This incident happened on July 13, 2024. When Donald Trump was visiting different cities for a campaign rally he got shot by a boy. The gunman was captured but he did not disclose his reason, the reason remains unclear now. This is not clear if the gunman intended to kill him or to just harm him.

Donald Trump was shot by a gun in his ear, after the incident he was seen touching his ear and raising his hands in the air. The gesture of raising and waving hands in the air after the traumatic incident shows his courage and leadership. Just after the shooting happened he was covered by the security and was safely put downstairs.

These are Donald Trump’s words after the incident, “I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin,” he said. “Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.”

Where does Donald Trump’s Shooting Happen?

Donald Trump Shooting incident happened when he was at for campaign rally. The gunman was far away from the rally, he was on the roof of a house which was away from the perimeter of security. He shot Donald Trump’s ear by staying 410 meters apart. After the Donald Trump Shooting incident, the gunman was shot by security then the gunman 8 rounds into the ground just after just after.

Because of the gunman’s firing, the people who were present at the rally were traumatized. There were Thousands of people present to take part in the campaign rally. When he fired to save himself one middle-aged innocent man lost his life and 2 middle-aged men got injured.

Donald Trump Shooting
Source: google

Donald Trump’s Tweet after Donald Trump Shooting Incident

Donald Trump tweeted after the shooting terrible incident, Donald Trump canceled his next rally session. He delayed all his plans for some time because he didn’t feel safe and comfortable enough to attend gathering. Despite having tight security he got shot in his ear, therefore he feels it is not correct to attend the gathering this soon.

“Based on yesterday’s terrible events, I was going to delay my trip to Wisconsin, and The Republican National Convention, by two days, but have just decided that I cannot allow a “shooter,” or potential assassin, to force change to scheduling, or anything else. Therefore, I will be leaving for Milwaukee, as scheduled, at 3:30 P.M. TODAY. Thank you! DJT”.

Donald Trump Shooting Done by Whom?

Donald Trump Shooting is by a young boy, who is dead now. He got caught the same time he shot Donald Trump, he did not get a chance to escape from there as the bodyguards were everywhere and security was there to a great extent.

He identified himself as a 20-year-old boy, his name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, and he is from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He did shooting by staying far apart, he shot Donald Trump in his year, during the incident 1 innocent middle age got shot and 2 people were injured.

Causes of Donald Trump Shooting Incident

As Donald Trump Shooting incident happened in Butler, Pennsylvania during the campaign rally. As to take part in a rally there were thousands of people present, from those 2 people got highly injured, they have been found in a stable state now. Police took care of them and proper investigation have been performed for them.

During the investigation process by the State Police, the 2 injured people identified themselves as David Dutch he is of 57 years old and from  New Kensington, Pennsylvania, and the other one is 74-years-old his name is James Copenhaver and he is from Moon Township, Pennsylvania.

An innocent audience got shot by a gun and found dead, the investigation was done on him also. The name of the victim is Corey Comperatore, he is a middle-aged man of 50 years old. He got shot during the incident, he did not fault his own, and his name was announced by the government the day after the Donald Trump Shooting incident.

Donald Trump Shooting
Source: google

People’s Mixed Reaction to Donald Trump Shooting Incident

People shop mixed reactions to the Donald Trump Shooting incident, some are ready to believe it and some are simply not ready to accept it. People are questioning security, if the post-prime minister is not safe how lack people will feel safe?

People’s reactions are accurate, they are not ready to believe that someone can shoot post prime minister without any valid reason. Every citizen wants to know the reason for his being shot. Many Donald Trump followers are angry about the security system, they want a valid answer for Donald Trump being shot.

On the other hand, some people are not ready to believe that some can have so much guts to shoot post prime minister with this much tight security. Some people who were present there moreover added that Trump himself has put something on his ear and is trying to put the fake case to get attention and sympathy.

People added that when he touched his ear there was no blood in his hand, if it was real blood then it should it should displayed on his hands. No one is aware of anything in detail, no one can make decisions, and people are displaying their personal opinions and thoughts.

How is Donald Trump now?

Donald Trump campaign revealed that he is fine now. Donald Trump himself also posted many tweets regarding the incident, he said that he was sensing something strange and that happened. He postponed his upcoming rally place as this incident was traumatizing and it is not even safe to attend gathering this fast.

After the shooting incident, he was taken to the local hospital where he stayed for 3-4 hours and after that, he was released from there. Later he must have visited a specialized hospital for treatment, he was seen with a bandage on his ear.

Donald Trump Shooting
Source: google

Important Points that Need to be Looked Upon

1. President Joe Biden said that he had made arrangements very tight during the campaign rally, during the campaign rally Donald Trump got shot by a man in his ear. When Donald Trump was on the stage, interacting with the audience, got shot by a man who was a distance apart.

2. President Joe Biden asked for time and patience from the nation, as all the audience who were present at the rally were shocked and disturbed at the same time. People are demanding for proper investigation, President Joe Biden said to give time to the FBI, and trust them they will provide the proper outcome with proof.

3. Trump got a gunshot in his ear, his ear and face were covered with patches of blood. He got shot when he was on the stage, he rushed immediately downwards after the shooting incident. People got traumatized as it happened openly in front of the audience.

4. The man who did shooting on Donald Trump is caught. The name of the shooter is Thomas Matthew Crooks, he is from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. The shooter found is recognized as a young man, he introduced himself as 20 years 20-year-old boy. The shooting was performed by him while staying far apart.

5. According to the news, it has been found that during the incident one audience got shot and he is no more now. It has also been found that the gunman is also dead, during the incident one audience got shot and the other 2 were highly injured.

6. The gunman who shot Donald Trump was not inside the security perimeter. He did the shooting by staying on the roof of someone’s house, he was shot to death by the security. After he got shot by security he fired 8 times due to which one got hanged to death and 2 were in critical condition.


Donald Trump the former president of America got shot by a 20-year-old boy. This incident is spreading all over the media channels and social media, everyone is talking about this incident. The gunman shot Donald Trump in his ear, the gunman was not present in the security perimeter he was outside. The gunman was present on someone’s roof, and from there he shot, he did it by staying 400 meters apart.

Donald Trump along with all the citizens of America is shocked, no one knows the appropriate reason for this incident. Everyone is assuming and presenting his/her thoughts on this incident. People are showing mixed reactions to this, some are angry about the security and on the other hand, some are saying this is a scripted act. Some are proclaiming it as a scripted act for sympathy and attention.

Frequently asked Questions About Donald Trump Shooting incident(FAQs)

Here we will discuss the most asked or most searched question regarding the Donald Trump Shooting incident.

1. When did this Donald Trump Shooting happen?

The Donald Trump Shooting incident happened on 13 July 2023. This happened during the rally he was performing for the coming elections. He got shot by a boy who was far apart from the security perimeter.

2. What was the reaction of people who were present there?

People were traumatized by the incident, and the people who were hindered there for the rally started panicking as just after shooting Donald Trump he got attacked by the security so to save himself he started firing. In the firing, one person lost his life and the 2 were injured.

3. How did the security handled the situation?

Trump later thanked the security for handling the situation whereas citizens criticized the security provided by the security members. When the gunman shot Donald Trump quickly he was Covered by the security members, on the other hand, the gunman was shot to death by the security members.

4. What was the intention of the gunman?

The intentions of the gunman are not cleared till now as he was shot to death at that time. All the assuming and predicting the cause of the incident.

5. How is Donald Trump now?

Trump is fine now stated by his campaign members. He posted many tweets regarding the incident. Just after the incident, he was taken to a local hospital to take out the bullet and for further treatment procedures.

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