Four and a half-day work week: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made a new start. Now work in UAE will have to be done within a week and a half. A statement has come from the UAE that this decision will create a balance between people’s work and life.
The rule of working in the United Arab Emirates for a four and a half-day work week will start from January 1. In this way, the UAE will become the first country in the world, where such a different rule will be implemented. Under this, government employees in the UAE will work for half a day on Friday.
Which traditionally remains a holiday for people who believe in the Muslim religion. In such a situation, it will also be important to see whether private industries and schools in the UAE will follow this rule or not. However, he followed that rule in 2006, when the week in the UAE was started from Saturday to Wednesday. Which is considered to be the Islamic Work Week, such a system is applicable in Iran and Afghanistan.
What did the Emirates government say?

The United Arab Emirates government has praised this four and a half-day work week, saying that the UAE has become one of those countries in the world. Where National Working Week has started. In its statement, the Emirates government said that this will bring harmony to the lives of the employed people at home and among themselves. This will also make people happy and they will feel more inclined to do their jobs.
And in which countries the short working week
Last month, a 4-day work week has also started in the UK. It was started by Atom Bank in the UK. 430 people work in Atom Bank. There is a firm named Perpetual Guardian in New Zealand, it has also implemented work for 4 days. The 4-day working week was started in the year 2009 in Utah, USA. However, it was closed in September 2011.
In Sweden, the government there had arranged to pay 8 hours of money for working 6 hours a day. The government of Sweden admitted that it also increased the productivity of the people, although the government admitted that this system is a bit expensive.

For people working in France, a law was made that no work would be done after the fixed hours. In France, only 35 hours of work is required in the workweek. KPMG started a 4-day workweek for its employees in America. In 2016, Amazon had ensured 30 hours of work in a week under the pilot project.