Daniel Petry bio

Daniel Petry bio is an ex-Brazilian young man who brutally massacred Gabriel Kuhn, a fellow young boy in his neighborhood after sexually manipulating him. The whole tragedy happened in the summer of the year 2007 in the place of Santa Catarina Brazil.

Petry’s case of murdering Gabriel is one of the most harrowing killing happenings in modern crime history. It often gets referred to in horror forums for its wickedly absurd nature of the crime. The pictures from this homicide are a few of the bone-chilling shockers that are found on the internet.

While even the intricate details from the Brazilian case have been out there since the day it transpired, the people who pertained to it now have gone missing. That especially comprises the one and only perpetrator, Daniel Petry bio. Recount what transpired the day he murdered Gabriel, what was the reason, his sentencing, Daniel Petry bio’s life after prison, as well as the answers to what is he doing now.

Warning: Details down below are incredibly violent; readers’ discretion is advised!!!

Daniel Petry bio Was Born In The year 90, He Was A Distressed Kid

Daniel Petry bio, full name, Daniel Felipe Petry was born in the year 1991. He was a native of Blumenau, which is in Santa Catarina.

Petry was always a rebel as well as quite an aggressive kid from the beginning. He allegedly would react with severe violence even on the slightest provocation. Due to his violent temper, Daniel Petry bio had also spent some time in psychiatric therapies but he wasn’t typical in any of those sessions as well as neither did the treatment prove to be prosperous in his case.

Daniel Petry bio, the year 1991 born former sixteen-year-old boy who destroyed his neighbor, a 12-year-old named Gabriel Kuhn.
Daniel Petry bio, the killer of a 12-year-old boy named Gabriel Kuhn.
Daniel Petry bio would also often drive away from school.Daniel Petry bio

At home, Petry expended most of his time eyeing Brazilian TV shows. He also used the internet and played an online role-playing game dubbed Tibia.

Daniel Petry bio As well as Gabriel Kuhn Knew Each Other Through An Online Game

Daniel Petry bio and Gabriel, real name, Gabriel Guillermo Kuhn knew each other through their common curiosity in the aforesaid online game called Tibia.

One of the most talked about reasons why Daniel Petry bio killed Gabriel was that the latter had burrowed around 20,000 Tibia’s money (roughly $1.75) from the former. Kuhn, nonetheless, didn’t return the money and it has been strongly supposed that this was the ultimate reason that provoked Petry to murder Gabriel.

Gabriel Kuhn a 12-year-old boy from Santa Catarina, which is in Brazil was killed by Daniel Petry.
Gabriel Kuhn, the late 12-year-old boy from Santa Catarina is in Brazil.
Daniel asked Gabriel to return his money numerous times but the latter allegedly kept on declining to give it back. Kuhn reportedly also blocked Petry from all of the virtual contacts as. well, as cut off all connections with him.

This made Daniel Petry bio angry as well as some time afterward he called Gabriel’s mother. She let him know that she was out of the home as well as that Gabriel was independently at the house.

What Precisely Happened On The Day Daniel Murdered Gabriel?

After knowing Kuhn was all alone in his house, Daniel proceeded to his residence. At the onset, Kuhn hesitated to let Daniel into the house. Petry, however, insisted as well as told that he wanted to apologize. Gabriel finally opened the door and let Daniel into the house.

As soon as Daniel Petry bio joined Gabriel’s house, he locked the door and started attacking the latter. Some time afterward, Petry dragged Kuhn to the bed as well as raped him.

Daniel Petry bio

After he was done, Daniel Petry bio began putting his pants on. At the same time, the injured Gabriel, who was in the blood, as well as crying, began laughing all of a sudden. He endangered Daniel that he would report what transpired to his parents as well as his own.

The violent segment of Gabriel’s slaying by Daniel Petry

Petry didn’t want Kuhn to tell his parents what had transpired as well as so after Gabriel’s threat, Daniel removed the power cord of the gaming console that was lying at Kuhn’s house. He following outfitted it around Gabriel’s neck whilst proceeding with the beatings. By this fact, Kuhn’s blood was all around the area. After fleeing Gabriel unconscious, Petry thought he was dead as well as tried to hide his body in the loft.


The 12-year-old victim of Daniel Petry bio, Gabriel Kuhn.
Gabriel Kuhn, the boy who was sawn half by Daniel Petry bio.
Nonetheless, upon trying to lift Kuhn’s body, Gabriel acknowledged it was too heavy. He then agreed to piece apart the body so that it would be yellower for him to dispose of Kuhn.Daniel Petry bio

Daniel, accordingly, next got a knife as well as a hacksaw from the garage. Soon after that, he began cutting Gabriel’s body from the torso so that he could lose his legs.

Petry Sawed Kuhn’s Body When He Was Still Alive

Petry to make Kuhn’s body lighter, started up sawing Gabriel’s body down from the waist. Nonetheless, after only about one or two saw pulls, Kuhn recovered consciousness and realizing he was being sawed started screaming in agony. The live mutilation began again as Daniel kept on sawing only harder as well as faster successfully ripping Gabriel in half.

It is documented that Kuhn lost consciousness once again from the shock as well as died sometime during his body’s separation. The brutality, however, didn’t stop there as after singling out Gabriel from his legs, Daniel once again started pounding his victim as well as even went on to carve Tibia symbols into Kuhn’s chest.


Daniel Petry bio then ditched the concept of completely disposing of the body as well as left the corpse of Gabriel in the hallway trap gate just as it is. The quotation was as bloodied as it could get and the legs of Kuhn stayed in the hallway next to the hacksaw that Petry utilized to slash him.

Sometime after Daniel had murdered Kuhn, Gabriel’s brother came home, as well as he saw his dead brother’s body and immediately drops his knees crying for his mother. He yelled out for aid after which the people in the area noticed as well as learned what had happened. They yelled at the authorities and when the police reached they found Gabriel’s body in two pieces.Daniel Petry bio

The loft where Daniel Petry bio tried to conceal Gabriel’s body.
The two-meter-high garret, the area where Daniel attempted to hide his target, Gabriel’s body.
The detectives later examined the place as well as found virtual assertions between Kuhn as well as Petry as they logged into Gabriel’s video game console. Later, they logged in to the device as the maximum piece of proof.

The More Confusion That Instagram, Twitter, And Suchlike Platforms Have made About Petry’s present Identity

Although Petry has been pushed into oblivion, time as well as again, there appear some aliases on settings such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn by the very name of Daniel Felipe Petry. This has often terrified people as well as consequently is also the periodic fodder for tabloids as well as murder enigma forums. Whatever the case, the real what-ifs of Daniel since his release have long been a closed book as well as a mystery of enormous complexity.


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