Arctic ocean getting warmer: Our earth is facing many problems at present. One of these is global warming. Many efforts are being made to stop it, but the concern remains. Now the results that have come out in a new study done in this direction are going to increase this concern further. This new study states that the Arctic Ocean has started warming since the beginning of the 20th century. That is, the warming of the Arctic Ocean had started a decade before what the studies have been telling so far.
An international team of researchers studied the Fram Strait, the gateway to the Arctic Ocean, which lies between Greenland and Svalbard. Operating chemical traits found in marine microorganisms, the experimenters realized that the Arctic ocean getting warmer rapidly at the beginning of the last century when warm and salty waters were flowing in from the Atlantic. This happening is called Atlantization.
Arctic ocean getting warmer, The temperature rose by two degrees Celsius

As per the researchers, since 1900 ocean temperatures have risen by about 2 degrees Celsius, while sea ice has declined. The salinity in water has increased. These findings provide the first historical perspective on the Atlantic Oceanization of the Arctic Ocean and disclose a connection with the North Atlantic that is much powerful than previously thought.
This relationship can form Arctic climate variability that could have crucial implications for sea ice reduction and global sea-level rise. As the polar ice sheets resume to melt. All of the world’s oceans are warming due to climate change, but the Arctic Ocean is warming the fastest.
As per the study’s lead author, Dr. Francesco Muscitiello, working in the Cambridge Department of Geography, the Arctic ocean getting warmer. The rate of global warming in the Arctic is more than twice the global average due to feedback mechanisms. As per satellite ratios, they came to know that the Arctic Ocean has been warming steadily, especially over the past 20 years.

Atlantization is one of the reasons the Arctic is warming, but instrument data that can track this process, such as satellites, only goes back 40 years. As the Arctic Ocean continues to warm, polar ice caps are melting, affecting global sea levels. As the ice melts, the effect of sunlight on the surface of the ocean is increasing. This increases the temperature. In this way, this whole process is increasingly damaging to Arctic ice.
As per study co-author Dr. Tessy Tomaso, who works at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council in Bologna. He said when we look at our 800-year period, our data on temperature and salinity looks pretty stable. But suddenly At the turn of the 20th century, you get to see this characteristic change in temperature and salinity. This rapid Atlantization at the entrance to the Arctic Ocean is a major reason for this.