Coronavirus affecting children: America is badly affected by the Corona epidemic. The virus is now increasingly making children its prey. This form of the virus can be a warning for the world. As per the report of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 1,41,905 children have been confirmed COVID positive between 11 and 18 November.
As per the report, there has been a 32 % increase in the rate of infection in children compared to the last 2 weeks. Statistics indicate that a third of the cases of infection found in the US last week are related to children. Less than 3 % of children have come under the hold of the epidemic. This represents more than 68 lakh children who have been affected by the Coronavirus infection.
As per the AAP report, the death rate among children due to coronavirus infection is exceptionally low. Not a single child has died from Corona in 6 US states. Common symptoms of infection are discerned in children. Getting mildly ill. This is because children are being immunized for meningitis, influenza, hepatitis, and chickenpox from time to time, which enhances their immunity stronger.

However, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 8,300 children aged 5 to 11 were affected by the infection in October. Out of which 172 died.
The CDC has mentioned that twenty-three thousand schools were shut because of the rapid speed of the pandemic, influencing the academics of 1.2 million children. Now with the commencement of the school, the virus has started getting intractable, which is a warning for the times to come.
Coronavirus affecting children, Infection in children increased in India too
However, the rate of corona in the country is slow, cases of coronavirus among children have started increasing. In Odisha school, the virus has been confirmed in 22 MBBS students along with 53 girls. On Tuesday, 12 children of Jaipur’s Jayshree Periwal International School have been infected. At the same time, on November 17, a two-and-a-half-year-old child died of coronavirus. In Gujarat, 19,000 children of 0 to 14 years have been infected in 18 months.
Increasing infection in children of all ages

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confessed that the pace of infection has been rising in children of all ages in recent times. Coronavirus affecting children which can be an uncontrolled situation.
Many types of viruses among us
Dr. Anthony Fauci says that there are several types of viruses scattered. The ultimate care will have to be taken respecting children, otherwise the circumstance may once again worsen.
As per the AAP report, infected children are less liable to be hospitalized than adults. If we talk about the figures of the states, 1.7 to 4.0 % of the children who are susceptible to infection need hospital treatment. However, the number of children admitted may heighten as the speed of infection increases.