Summer solstice

Sunday, June 20, marks the summer solstice of 2021, and Monday, June 21, marks the first day of Cancer season, which will feel like a warm reunion hug from your coworker, whether you’re able to commune in person or not. The sentiment comes from feeling open to a much-awaited reprieve from the mental energy the past month has required. After pushing against deadlines and hitting walls with rough transits and retrogrades galore, we can finally throw our books in the air and embrace the summer solstice of 2021 without a care in the world. Life is good, and—cosmically speaking at least—we can take an exhale.

The week ahead is packed with planetary movement (summer solstice) that will make you feel as if the entire cosmos is circling vacation mode. While you may be feeling ready to take things on at work or in your personal life, your boss or partner, or friends may be checking stuff off their list as they prepare for a holiday break. Learn to love this cosmic exchange, and you too can ease your mind into vacation mode.

Summer Solstice : Perfect for sightseeing 

Summer solstice

On Tuesday, June 22, Mercury will finally station direct, but he still needs a second to catch up on all those emails, just like coming back to the office after a hiatus. Commonly called the shades’ period, Mercury will retrace the steps he made back at the end of May. To maximize this time, think back to what you were finishing up before he left the office, so to speak. Anything that was happening for you will pop back up, just like that email you left “unread.” While it may take everything in you not to take it upon yourself to catch the amazing summer solstice.  Try as best as you can to simply sit back and give him the space to do so in his own time.

Summer solstice

As Mercury settles back into his routine, two other planets will go OOO this week: Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces.  Jupiter will retrograde from June 20 to October 18 and will illuminate growth from the past six months. During this transit, we’ll have the opportunity to track growth, much like may be the case for a school semester. Use this time to pat yourself on the back, or send yourself to summer school to hammer your goals home before he returns direct. And Neptune will retrograde from June 25 to December 1, 2021. Considering this planet is so much farther from Earth than Jupiter, we won’t feel his effects quite as strongly as we do with other personal planets retrograding, but this planetary transit can still slip you out of reality. Recognize that while you’re engaging in some serious escapism via summer solstice.


And to close out a hectic pre-holiday week, the full moon in Capricorn illuminates on Thursday, June 24. The first moon after the eclipse season will feel like yet another warm hug from the universe, as it will feel much more familiar to us. The Cancerian/Capricorn axis reminds us of the maternal/paternal influence, and in this instance, the sun in Cancer opposes the moon in Capricorn. The moon rules cancer, so this influence can feel a bit like embodying the opposite of ourselves. You may be encouraged to see things from the other side, which can be a little disorienting. But, the insight gained from this exercise will be beneficial when it comes to showing up as you’d like others to see the amazing view of the summer solstice. Get ready for it!



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